HAProxy version 3.0-dev8, released 2024/04/19

Statistics Report for pid 7192 on formilux

> General process information

pid = 7192 (process #1, nbproc = 1, nbthread = 2)
uptime = 5d 19h45m04s; warnings = 2
system limits: memmax = unlimited; ulimit-n = 8042
maxsock = 8042; maxconn = 4000; reached = 0; maxpipes = 0
current conns = 7; current pipes = 0/0; conn rate = 2/sec; bit rate = 748.572 kbps
Running tasks: 0/48 (0 niced); idle = 99 %

 active UP  backup UP
active UP, going down backup UP, going down
active DOWN, going up backup DOWN, going up
active or backup DOWN  not checked
active or backup DOWN for maintenance (MAINT)  
active or backup SOFT STOPPED for maintenance  
Note: "NOLB"/"DRAIN" = UP with load-balancing disabled.
Display option:External resources:
QueueSession rateSessionsBytesDeniedErrorsWarningsServerExtra modules
CurMaxLimitCurMaxLimitCurMaxLimitTotalLbTotLastInOutReqRespReqConnRespRetrRedisStatusLastChkWghtActBckChkDwnDwntmeThrtle sslquich3h2h1
Current connection rate:2/s
Current session rate:2/s
Current request rate:2/s
Max connection rate:690/s
Max session rate:245/s
Max request rate:556/s
Cum. connections:480862
Cum. sessions:456811
- HTTP/1 sessions:375312
- HTTP/2 sessions:69866
- HTTP/3 sessions:11644
- other sessions:0
Cum. HTTP requests:1240665
- HTTP/1 requests:917626
- HTTP/2 requests:312341
- HTTP/3 requests:10698
- other requests:0
- HTTP 1xx responses:0
- HTTP 2xx responses:918563
  Compressed 2xx:365576(39%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:232662
- HTTP 4xx responses:88967
- HTTP 5xx responses:291
- other responses:178
Intercepted requests:205159
Cache lookups:1168882
Cache hits:198172(16%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal errors:1
Response bytes in:113982060946
Compression in:24056248446
Compression out:17592289204(73%)
Compression bypass:0
Total bytes saved:6463959242(5%)
Total number of ssl sessions established133662
Total number of ssl sessions reused14507
Total number of failed handshake23651
Total number of cancelled reception due to full receiver buffer0
Total number of dropped packets30
Total number of dropped packets because of buffer overrun0
Total number of dropped packets upon parsing error3125
Total number of EAGAIN error on sendto() calls0
Total number of error on sendto() calls, EAGAIN excepted0
Total number of error on sendto() calls not explicitly listed1
Total number of sent packets1047831
Total number of lost sent packets33998
Total number of too short dgrams with Initial packets8
Total number of Retry sent0
Total number of validated Retry tokens0
Total number of Retry tokens errors0
Total number of half open connections0
Total number of handshake failures0
Total number of stateless reset packet sent16
Total number of connection migration proceeded0
Total number of NO_ERROR errors received198
Total number of INTERNAL_ERROR errors received9
Total number of CONNECTION_REFUSED errors received0
Total number of FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR errors received0
Total number of STREAM_LIMIT_ERROR errors received0
Total number of STREAM_STATE_ERROR errors received0
Total number of FINAL_SIZE_ERROR errors received0
Total number of FRAME_ENCODING_ERROR errors received0
Total number of TRANSPORT_PARAMETER_ERROR errors received0
Total number of CONNECTION_ID_LIMIT_ERROR errors received0
Total number of PROTOCOL_VIOLATION errors received0
Total number of INVALID_TOKEN errors received22
Total number of APPLICATION_ERROR errors received23
Total number of CRYPTO_BUFFER_EXCEEDED errors received0
Total number of KEY_UPDATE_ERROR errors received0
Total number of AEAD_LIMIT_REACHED errors received0
Total number of NO_VIABLE_PATH errors received0
Total number of CRYPTO_ERROR errors received11
Total number of UNKNOWN_ERROR errors received0
Total number of received DATA_BLOCKED frames0
Total number of received STREAM_DATA_BLOCKED frames0
Total number of received STREAMS_BLOCKED_BIDI frames0
Total number of received STREAMS_BLOCKED_UNI frames0
Total number of DATA frames received0
Total number of HEADERS frames received10698
Total number of CANCEL_PUSH frames received0
Total number of PUSH_PROMISE frames received0
Total number of MAX_PUSH_ID frames received18
Total number of GOAWAY frames received0
Total number of SETTINGS frames received11589
Total number of H3_NO_ERROR errors received35
Total number of H3_GENERAL_PROTOCOL_ERROR errors received0
Total number of H3_INTERNAL_ERROR errors received0
Total number of H3_STREAM_CREATION_ERROR errors received0
Total number of H3_CLOSED_CRITICAL_STREAM errors received0
Total number of H3_FRAME_UNEXPECTED errors received0
Total number of H3_FRAME_ERROR errors received0
Total number of H3_EXCESSIVE_LOAD errors received0
Total number of H3_ID_ERROR errors received0
Total number of H3_SETTINGS_ERROR errors received0
Total number of H3_MISSING_SETTINGS errors received0
Total number of H3_REQUEST_REJECTED errors received0
Total number of H3_REQUEST_CANCELLED errors received0
Total number of H3_REQUEST_INCOMPLETE errors received0
Total number of H3_MESSAGE_ERROR errors received0
Total number of H3_CONNECT_ERROR errors received0
Total number of H3_VERSION_FALLBACK errors received0
Total number of QPACK_DECOMPRESSION_FAILED errors received0
Total number of QPACK_ENCODER_STREAM_ERROR errors received0
Total number of QPACK_DECODER_STREAM_ERROR errors received0
Total number of received HEADERS frames312409
Total number of received DATA frames29
Total number of received SETTINGS frames188394
Total number of received RST_STREAM frames9466
Total number of received GOAWAY frames3951
Total number of connection protocol errors2157
Total number of stream protocol errors0
Total number of RST_STREAM sent on detected error0
Total number of GOAWAY sent on detected error2158
Count of currently open connections1
Count of currently open streams0
Total number of connections69866
Total number of streams312341
Count of currently open connections5
Count of currently open streams1
Total number of connections375312
Total number of streams917626
Total number of bytes received266187568
Total number of bytes send77843135678
Total number of bytes received using kernel splicing0
Total number of bytes sendusing kernel splicing0
IPv4 51290287064  150179891254838668934060227OPENssl
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
IPv6 07009938  33597987668887791531026OPENssl
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
quic 1407014  3861988850404607002OPENssl
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
quic 0404630  1893384279325739001OPENssl
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
SSL 14470162564  13644972178884976128170079OPENssl
Total number of ssl sessions established127103
Total number of ssl sessions reused12617
Total number of failed handshake22471
SSLv6 02309652  859042217946096641906OPENssl
Total number of ssl sessions established6559
Total number of ssl sessions reused1890
Total number of failed handshake1180

QueueSession rateSessionsBytesDeniedErrorsWarningsServerExtra modules
CurMaxLimitCurMaxLimitCurMaxLimitTotalLbTotLastInOutReqRespReqConnRespRetrRedisStatusLastChkWghtActBckChkDwnDwntmeThrtle sslquich3h2h1
Current active connections:0
Current used connections:0
Current idle connections:0
- unsafe:0
- safe:0
Estimated need of connections:1
Active connections limit:100
Idle connections limit:10
Cum. sessions:1130
New connections:1088
Reused connections:42(3%)
Cum. HTTP requests:913
- HTTP 1xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 2xx responses:885(96%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 4xx responses:28(3%)
- HTTP 5xx responses:0(0%)
- other responses:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal error:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:13 / 1ms
- Responses time:26464 / 1885ms
- Total time:26868 / 2028ms
Connection resets during transfers: 38 client, 0 server
005d19h UP L4OK in 0ms
Layer4 check passed
Failed Health Checks
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
Cum. sessions:1130
New connections:1088
Reused connections:42(3%)
Cum. HTTP requests:1130
- HTTP 1xx responses:0
- HTTP 2xx responses:885
  Compressed 2xx:370(41%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:0
- HTTP 4xx responses:28
- HTTP 5xx responses:217
- other responses:0
Cache lookups:0
Cache hits:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal errors:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:13 / 1ms
- Responses time:26464 / 1656ms
- Total time:26868 / 1779ms
Response bytes in:31430613
Compression in:12878753
Compression out:2442217(18%)
Compression bypass:0
Total bytes saved:10436536(33%)
Connection resets during transfers: 38 client, 0 server
005d19h UP 1/110 00sssl
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
Total number of received HEADERS frames0
Total number of received DATA frames0
Total number of received SETTINGS frames0
Total number of received RST_STREAM frames0
Total number of received GOAWAY frames0
Total number of connection protocol errors0
Total number of stream protocol errors0
Total number of RST_STREAM sent on detected error0
Total number of GOAWAY sent on detected error0
Count of currently open connections0
Count of currently open streams0
Total number of connections0
Total number of streams0
Count of currently open connections0
Count of currently open streams0
Total number of connections1088
Total number of streams1130
Total number of bytes received31803559
Total number of bytes send327025
Total number of bytes received using kernel splicing0
Total number of bytes sendusing kernel splicing0

QueueSession rateSessionsBytesDeniedErrorsWarningsServerExtra modules
CurMaxLimitCurMaxLimitCurMaxLimitTotalLbTotLastInOutReqRespReqConnRespRetrRedisStatusLastChkWghtActBckChkDwnDwntmeThrtle sslquich3h2h1
Current active connections:0
Current used connections:0
Current idle connections:1
- unsafe:0
- safe:1
Estimated need of connections:2
Active connections limit:100
Idle connections limit:10
Cum. sessions:453906
New connections:41208
Reused connections:412698(90%)
Cum. HTTP requests:453859
- HTTP 1xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 2xx responses:399325(87%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:256(0%)
- HTTP 4xx responses:54278(11%)
- HTTP 5xx responses:0(0%)
- other responses:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal error:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:131 / 0ms
- Responses time:26277 / 105ms
- Total time:842980 / 262ms
Connection resets during transfers: 463 client, 1 server
005d19h UP L4OK in 0ms
Layer4 check passed
Failed Health Checks
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
Cum. sessions:453907
New connections:41208
Reused connections:412698(90%)
Cum. HTTP requests:453907
- HTTP 1xx responses:0
- HTTP 2xx responses:399325
  Compressed 2xx:145018(36%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:256
- HTTP 4xx responses:54292
- HTTP 5xx responses:33
- other responses:1
Cache lookups:0
Cache hits:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal errors:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:131 / 0ms
- Responses time:26277 / 105ms
- Total time:842980 / 262ms
Response bytes in:25347954778
Compression in:14031913622
Compression out:12353958832(88%)
Compression bypass:0
Total bytes saved:1677954790(6%)
Connection resets during transfers: 464 client, 1 server
005d19h UP 1/110 00sssl
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
Total number of received HEADERS frames0
Total number of received DATA frames0
Total number of received SETTINGS frames0
Total number of received RST_STREAM frames0
Total number of received GOAWAY frames0
Total number of connection protocol errors0
Total number of stream protocol errors0
Total number of RST_STREAM sent on detected error0
Total number of GOAWAY sent on detected error0
Count of currently open connections0
Count of currently open streams0
Total number of connections0
Total number of streams0
Count of currently open connections1
Count of currently open streams0
Total number of connections41208
Total number of streams453906
Total number of bytes received25508044292
Total number of bytes send103301479
Total number of bytes received using kernel splicing0
Total number of bytes sendusing kernel splicing0

QueueSession rateSessionsBytesDeniedErrorsWarningsServerExtra modules
CurMaxLimitCurMaxLimitCurMaxLimitTotalLbTotLastInOutReqRespReqConnRespRetrRedisStatusLastChkWghtActBckChkDwnDwntmeThrtle sslquich3h2h1
Current active connections:0
Current used connections:0
Current idle connections:1
- unsafe:0
- safe:1
Estimated need of connections:1
Active connections limit:100
Idle connections limit:10
Cum. sessions:532822
New connections:31623
Reused connections:501199(94%)
Cum. HTTP requests:532817
- HTTP 1xx responses:3(0%)
- HTTP 2xx responses:293094(55%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:215665(40%)
- HTTP 4xx responses:24055(4%)
- HTTP 5xx responses:0(0%)
- other responses:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal error:1
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:127 / 0ms
- Responses time:1929 / 3ms
- Total time:837357 / 359ms
Connection resets during transfers: 15374 client, 1 server
005d19h UP L4OK in 0ms
Layer4 check passed
Failed Health Checks
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
Cum. sessions:532852
New connections:31623
Reused connections:501199(94%)
Cum. HTTP requests:532851
- HTTP 1xx responses:0
- HTTP 2xx responses:293094
  Compressed 2xx:160137(54%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:215665
- HTTP 4xx responses:24062
- HTTP 5xx responses:0
- other responses:30
Cache lookups:0
Cache hits:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal errors:1
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:127 / 0ms
- Responses time:1929 / 3ms
- Total time:837357 / 359ms
Response bytes in:77261443127
Compression in:5159816467
Compression out:3163647839(61%)
Compression bypass:0
Total bytes saved:1996168628(2%)
Connection resets during transfers: 15404 client, 1 server
005d19h UP 1/110 00sssl
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
Total number of received HEADERS frames0
Total number of received DATA frames0
Total number of received SETTINGS frames0
Total number of received RST_STREAM frames0
Total number of received GOAWAY frames0
Total number of connection protocol errors0
Total number of stream protocol errors0
Total number of RST_STREAM sent on detected error0
Total number of GOAWAY sent on detected error0
Count of currently open connections0
Count of currently open streams0
Total number of connections0
Total number of streams0
Count of currently open connections1
Count of currently open streams0
Total number of connections31623
Total number of streams532822
Total number of bytes received78172194091
Total number of bytes send185284078
Total number of bytes received using kernel splicing0
Total number of bytes sendusing kernel splicing0

QueueSession rateSessionsBytesDeniedErrorsWarningsServerExtra modules
CurMaxLimitCurMaxLimitCurMaxLimitTotalLbTotLastInOutReqRespReqConnRespRetrRedisStatusLastChkWghtActBckChkDwnDwntmeThrtle sslquich3h2h1
Current active connections:0
Current used connections:0
Current idle connections:0
- unsafe:0
- safe:0
Estimated need of connections:1
Active connections limit:100
Idle connections limit:10
Cum. sessions:5907
New connections:4368
Reused connections:1539(26%)
Cum. HTTP requests:5906
- HTTP 1xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 2xx responses:2835(48%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:16(0%)
- HTTP 4xx responses:3024(51%)
- HTTP 5xx responses:31(0%)
- other responses:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal error:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:25 / 1ms
- Responses time:335 / 2ms
- Total time:450938 / 3139ms
Connection resets during transfers: 35 client, 0 server
005d19h UP ↓1/1Y-via static/srv1-ssl
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
Cum. sessions:5907
New connections:4368
Reused connections:1539(26%)
Cum. HTTP requests:5907
- HTTP 1xx responses:0
- HTTP 2xx responses:2835
  Compressed 2xx:2437(85%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:16
- HTTP 4xx responses:3025
- HTTP 5xx responses:31
- other responses:0
Cache lookups:0
Cache hits:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal errors:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:25 / 1ms
- Responses time:335 / 2ms
- Total time:450938 / 3139ms
Response bytes in:2288596136
Compression in:113739319
Compression out:102499419(90%)
Compression bypass:0
Total bytes saved:11239900(0%)
Connection resets during transfers: 35 client, 0 server
005d19h UP 1/110 00sssl
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
Total number of received HEADERS frames0
Total number of received DATA frames0
Total number of received SETTINGS frames0
Total number of received RST_STREAM frames0
Total number of received GOAWAY frames0
Total number of connection protocol errors0
Total number of stream protocol errors0
Total number of RST_STREAM sent on detected error0
Total number of GOAWAY sent on detected error0
Count of currently open connections0
Count of currently open streams0
Total number of connections0
Total number of streams0
Count of currently open connections0
Count of currently open streams0
Total number of connections4368
Total number of streams5907
Total number of bytes received2291595520
Total number of bytes send1758622
Total number of bytes received using kernel splicing0
Total number of bytes sendusing kernel splicing0

QueueSession rateSessionsBytesDeniedErrorsWarningsServerExtra modules
CurMaxLimitCurMaxLimitCurMaxLimitTotalLbTotLastInOutReqRespReqConnRespRetrRedisStatusLastChkWghtActBckChkDwnDwntmeThrtle sslquich3h2h1
Current active connections:0
Current used connections:0
Current idle connections:0
- unsafe:0
- safe:0
Estimated need of connections:1
Active connections limit:100
Idle connections limit:10
Cum. sessions:2416
New connections:748
Reused connections:1668(69%)
Cum. HTTP requests:2415
- HTTP 1xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 2xx responses:150(6%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:287(11%)
- HTTP 4xx responses:1969(81%)
- HTTP 5xx responses:9(0%)
- other responses:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal error:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:15 / 1ms
- Responses time:40043 / 165ms
- Total time:40126 / 572ms
Connection resets during transfers: 0 client, 0 server
003d6h UP L7OK/200 in 29ms
Layer7 check passed
Failed Health Checks
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
Current active connections:0
Current used connections:0
Current idle connections:0
- unsafe:0
- safe:0
Estimated need of connections:1
Active connections limit:100
Idle connections limit:10
Cum. sessions:1697
New connections:778
Reused connections:919(54%)
Cum. HTTP requests:1695
- HTTP 1xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 2xx responses:526(31%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:234(13%)
- HTTP 4xx responses:935(55%)
- HTTP 5xx responses:0(0%)
- other responses:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal error:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:27 / 8ms
- Responses time:78 / 21ms
- Total time:31915 / 895ms
Connection resets during transfers: 0 client, 2 server
00no check1/1Y--ssl
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
Current active connections:0
Current used connections:0
Current idle connections:0
- unsafe:0
- safe:0
Estimated need of connections:0
Active connections limit:100
Idle connections limit:10
Cum. sessions:0
New connections:0
Reused connections:0(0%)
Cum. HTTP requests:0
- HTTP 1xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 2xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 4xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 5xx responses:0(0%)
- other responses:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal error:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:0 / 0ms
- Responses time:0 / 0ms
- Total time:0 / 0ms
Connection resets during transfers: 0 client, 0 server
00no check1/1-Y-ssl
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
Cum. sessions:4113
New connections:1526
Reused connections:2587(62%)
Cum. HTTP requests:4111
- HTTP 1xx responses:0
- HTTP 2xx responses:676
  Compressed 2xx:178(26%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:521
- HTTP 4xx responses:2904
- HTTP 5xx responses:10
- other responses:0
Cache lookups:0
Cache hits:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal errors:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:27 / 3ms
- Responses time:40043 / 123ms
- Total time:40126 / 507ms
Response bytes in:11073049
Compression in:5931943
Compression out:1714867(28%)
Compression bypass:0
Total bytes saved:4217076(38%)
Connection resets during transfers: 0 client, 2 server
005d19h UP 2/221 00sssl
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
Total number of received HEADERS frames0
Total number of received DATA frames0
Total number of received SETTINGS frames0
Total number of received RST_STREAM frames0
Total number of received GOAWAY frames0
Total number of connection protocol errors0
Total number of stream protocol errors0
Total number of RST_STREAM sent on detected error0
Total number of GOAWAY sent on detected error0
Count of currently open connections0
Count of currently open streams0
Total number of connections0
Total number of streams0
Count of currently open connections0
Count of currently open streams0
Total number of connections51511
Total number of streams54098
Total number of bytes received21635690
Total number of bytes send4544244
Total number of bytes received using kernel splicing0
Total number of bytes sendusing kernel splicing0

QueueSession rateSessionsBytesDeniedErrorsWarningsServerExtra modules
CurMaxLimitCurMaxLimitCurMaxLimitTotalLbTotLastInOutReqRespReqConnRespRetrRedisStatusLastChkWghtActBckChkDwnDwntmeThrtle sslquich3h2h1
Current active connections:0
Current used connections:0
Current idle connections:0
- unsafe:0
- safe:0
Estimated need of connections:2
Active connections limit:100
Idle connections limit:10
Cum. sessions:34681
New connections:26984
Reused connections:7697(22%)
Cum. HTTP requests:34681
- HTTP 1xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 2xx responses:28220(81%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:2741(7%)
- HTTP 4xx responses:3720(10%)
- HTTP 5xx responses:0(0%)
- other responses:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal error:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:128 / 1ms
- Responses time:3545 / 236ms
- Total time:23244 / 750ms
Connection resets during transfers: 3 client, 0 server
005d19h UP L4OK in 0ms
Layer4 check passed
Failed Health Checks
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
Cum. sessions:34681
New connections:26984
Reused connections:7697(22%)
Cum. HTTP requests:34681
- HTTP 1xx responses:0
- HTTP 2xx responses:28220
  Compressed 2xx:0(0%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:2741
- HTTP 4xx responses:3720
- HTTP 5xx responses:0
- other responses:0
Cache lookups:0
Cache hits:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal errors:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:128 / 1ms
- Responses time:3545 / 236ms
- Total time:23244 / 750ms
Response bytes in:245814218
Compression in:0
Compression out:0(0%)
Compression bypass:0
Total bytes saved:0(0%)
Connection resets during transfers: 3 client, 0 server
005d19h UP 1/110 00sssl
Total number of ssl sessions established0
Total number of ssl sessions reused0
Total number of failed handshake0
Total number of received HEADERS frames0
Total number of received DATA frames0
Total number of received SETTINGS frames0
Total number of received RST_STREAM frames0
Total number of received GOAWAY frames0
Total number of connection protocol errors0
Total number of stream protocol errors0
Total number of RST_STREAM sent on detected error0
Total number of GOAWAY sent on detected error0
Count of currently open connections0
Count of currently open streams0
Total number of connections0
Total number of streams0
Count of currently open connections0
Count of currently open streams0
Total number of connections26984
Total number of streams34681
Total number of bytes received280799977
Total number of bytes send17353888
Total number of bytes received using kernel splicing0
Total number of bytes sendusing kernel splicing0