Frontend | | 1Current connection rate: | 1/s |
Current session rate: | 1/s |
Current request rate: | 1/s |
| 48Max connection rate: | 45/s |
Max session rate: | 48/s |
Max request rate: | 433/s |
| - | 1 | 69 | 2000 | 116044Cum. connections: | 126432 |
Cum. sessions: | 116044 |
- HTTP/1 sessions: | 98194 |
- HTTP/2 sessions: | 16273 |
- HTTP/3 sessions: | 1582 |
- other sessions: | 0 |
Cum. HTTP requests: | 384646 |
- HTTP/1 requests: | 271532 |
- HTTP/2 requests: | 111412 |
- HTTP/3 requests: | 1702 |
- other requests: | 0 |
- HTTP 1xx responses: | 0 |
- HTTP 2xx responses: | 267932 |
Compressed 2xx: | 54467 | (20%) |
- HTTP 3xx responses: | 76538 |
- HTTP 4xx responses: | 40132 |
- HTTP 5xx responses: | 26 |
- other responses: | 16 |
Intercepted requests: | 63068 |
Cache lookups: | 342975 |
Cache hits: | 61070 | (17%) |
Failed hdr rewrites: | 0 |
Internal errors: | 0 |
| | | 105572124 | 41146968357Response bytes in: | 41146968357 |
Compression in: | 5664129235 |
Compression out: | 4153379969 | (73%) |
Compression bypass: | 0 |
Total bytes saved: | 1510749266 | (3%) |
| 2248 | 0 | 12062 | | | | | OPEN | | sslTotal number of ssl sessions established | 67802 |
Total number of ssl sessions reused | 3617 |
Total number of failed handshake | 10051 |
| h3Total number of DATA frames received | 0 |
Total number of HEADERS frames received | 1702 |
Total number of CANCEL_PUSH frames received | 0 |
Total number of PUSH_PROMISE frames received | 0 |
Total number of MAX_PUSH_ID frames received | 2 |
Total number of GOAWAY frames received | 0 |
Total number of SETTINGS frames received | 1576 |
Total number of H3_NO_ERROR errors received | 7 |
Total number of H3_GENERAL_PROTOCOL_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of H3_INTERNAL_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of H3_STREAM_CREATION_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of H3_CLOSED_CRITICAL_STREAM errors received | 0 |
Total number of H3_FRAME_UNEXPECTED errors received | 0 |
Total number of H3_FRAME_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of H3_EXCESSIVE_LOAD errors received | 0 |
Total number of H3_ID_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of H3_SETTINGS_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of H3_MISSING_SETTINGS errors received | 0 |
Total number of H3_REQUEST_REJECTED errors received | 0 |
Total number of H3_REQUEST_CANCELLED errors received | 0 |
Total number of H3_REQUEST_INCOMPLETE errors received | 0 |
Total number of H3_MESSAGE_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of H3_CONNECT_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of H3_VERSION_FALLBACK errors received | 0 |
Total number of QPACK_DECOMPRESSION_FAILED errors received | 0 |
Total number of QPACK_ENCODER_STREAM_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of QPACK_DECODER_STREAM_ERROR errors received | 0 |
| quicTotal number of cancelled reception due to full receiver buffer | 0 |
Total number of dropped packets | 15 |
Total number of dropped packets because of buffer overrun | 0 |
Total number of dropped packets upon parsing error | 95 |
Total number of EAGAIN error on sendto() calls | 0 |
Total number of error on sendto() calls, EAGAIN excepted | 0 |
Total number of error on sendto() calls not explicitly listed | 2 |
Total number of sent packets | 157832 |
Total number of lost sent packets | 2422 |
Total number of too short dgrams with Initial packets | 1 |
Total number of Retry sent | 0 |
Total number of validated Retry tokens | 0 |
Total number of Retry tokens errors | 0 |
Total number of half open connections | 0 |
Total number of handshake failures | 0 |
Total number of stateless reset packet sent | 8 |
Total number of connection migration proceeded | 0 |
Total number of NO_ERROR errors received | 74 |
Total number of INTERNAL_ERROR errors received | 2 |
Total number of CONNECTION_REFUSED errors received | 0 |
Total number of FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of STREAM_LIMIT_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of STREAM_STATE_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of FINAL_SIZE_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of FRAME_ENCODING_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of TRANSPORT_PARAMETER_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of CONNECTION_ID_LIMIT_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of PROTOCOL_VIOLATION errors received | 0 |
Total number of INVALID_TOKEN errors received | 10 |
Total number of APPLICATION_ERROR errors received | 8 |
Total number of CRYPTO_BUFFER_EXCEEDED errors received | 0 |
Total number of KEY_UPDATE_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of AEAD_LIMIT_REACHED errors received | 0 |
Total number of NO_VIABLE_PATH errors received | 0 |
Total number of CRYPTO_ERROR errors received | 1 |
Total number of UNKNOWN_ERROR errors received | 0 |
Total number of received DATA_BLOCKED frames | 0 |
Total number of received STREAM_DATA_BLOCKED frames | 0 |
Total number of received STREAMS_BLOCKED_BIDI frames | 0 |
Total number of received STREAMS_BLOCKED_UNI frames | 0 |
| h2Total number of received HEADERS frames | 111412 |
Total number of received DATA frames | 1 |
Total number of received SETTINGS frames | 46034 |
Total number of received RST_STREAM frames | 2408 |
Total number of received GOAWAY frames | 1741 |
Total number of connection protocol errors | 0 |
Total number of stream protocol errors | 0 |
Total number of RST_STREAM sent on detected error | 0 |
Total number of GOAWAY sent on detected error | 0 |
Count of currently open connections | 0 |
Count of currently open streams | 0 |
Total number of connections | 16273 |
Total number of streams | 111412 |
| h1Count of currently open connections | 1 |
Count of currently open streams | 1 |
Total number of connections | 98194 |
Total number of streams | 271532 |
Total number of bytes received | 95864097 |
Total number of bytes send | 36634219028 |
Total number of bytes received using kernel splicing | 0 |
Total number of bytes sendusing kernel splicing | 0 |